Microsoft Teams and fake CAPTCHAs used in cyber attacks, RDP used for phishing, and vulnerabilities discovered in open-source AI tools in triaging the week 048.
Malware hiding in image files, new AI attacks, and LinkedIn becomes magnet for cyber scams in triaging the week 047.
This collection management framework template provides you with the structure to effectively document your data sources and understand how to use them.
New phishing tactics, escalating cyber threats, and PIN-stealing fake lock screens in triaging the week 046.
Cybercriminals look for Telegram alternatives, APTs target telecoms and air-gapped systems, and API and bot attacks cost businesses billions in triaging the week 045.
Vulnerabilities in gas tanks, AI-powered crypto stealers, and deep fake phishing sites spread malware in triaging the week 044.
Hackers use AI to write malware, Telegram starts cooperating with law enforcement, and Europol dismantles global phishing operation in triaging the week 043.
New malware triggers kiosk mode, ransomware gangs abuse cloud tools, and pagers start exploding in Lebanon in triaging the week 042.
New Android malware uses OCR, Chinese APT weaponizes VSCode, and RAMBO attack steals data from air-gapped system’s RAM in triaging the week 041.
GitHub comments spread malware, Google Sheets used as C2, and YubiKeys come under attack in triaging the week 040.
This intelligence requirements template allows you to document your company’s intel requirements and kickstart your cyber threat intelligence program.
New stealthy malware, Telegram founder arrested in France, and massive QR code phishing in triaging the week 039.
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New macOS threat, new ransomware gang, and new hacking tool leverages the cloud in triaging the week 038.
Hackers target macOS, flaws in GitHub Actions and Azure AI health bot, and the latest insights from the attack surface landscape in triaging the week 037.