Frequently Asked Questions


What is Kraven Security?

We have expertise in threat intelligence, threat hunting, and custom tooling, and aim to share these with students all other the world through our active blog for free. We also offer services around these topics for prospective students and organizations who want to elevate their skills or threat intelligence capabilities.

Where can I find updates about Kraven Security?

We are active on Twitter and LinkedIn. On these social media platforms we post updates about the company and notifications of whenever we release a blog post. We also have an active newsletter that release insider updates every Friday. Be sure to subscribe & follow for the latest news!

What services do Kraven Security offer?

Is Kraven Security hiring?

We are always looking for potential content creators or industry professionals who want to contribute to the cybersecurity community and showcase their skills. If you would like to enquire about current opportunities please email [email protected].

How does Kraven Security use my data?

Articles and Free Content

How often is the are new articles published?

We aim to update the blog every week with high quality content. This includes big cybersecurity news, tutorials on cybersecurity topics/technologies, and interviews with prominent industry figures.

What is the purpose of the articles and other free content?

The blog acts as a way of the Kraven Security providing you with free cyber security learning material and knowledge. We are always looking for ways to enrich the experience for our followers and an active blog helps us do this by keeping our audience engaged.

Can I contribute?

Kraven Security is always looking for potential contributors and industry professionals who would like a platform to give their insights. For further information please reach out to [email protected] and we will be in contact.

Can I share blog posts with others?

Yes! We would love for you to share our content with the wider cybersecurity community. Please cite us if you post any of our content on another platform. If you have any concerns about copyright please reach out to [email protected].

Individual Coaching

How do I know if private coaching is for me?

Cyber security can be a challenging field to progress in or break into in the first place. If you are looking to progress or break in then we can provide expert advice through our coaching services that will make this challenge easier and propel your career. In addition to this, perhaps you are struggling to grasp a difficult concept or learn a new technology. Our coaching services also offer you the opportunity to consult with industry experts who can help you overcome this road block and get back on track.

What cyber security fields do you providing coaching on?

Kraven Security have experience in both red team and blue team activities. Our coaching specializes in cyber threat intelligence, threat hunting, and creating custom tooling. If we cannot offer coaching in a specific cybersecurity field we will point you towards the best resources free of charge.

Can I get a refund if I am unsatisfied with the coaching I get?

Kraven Security has a Refund Policy in our Terms & Conditions whereby you can cancel a private one-on-one coaching session and receive a refund. We cannot offer refunds after a coaching session has been completed or cancel without giving notice. For more details please read our Terms & Conditions page.

Business Consultation

What services do Kraven Security offer for businesses?

How do I receive support or make an inquiry?

For any other questions, please contact [email protected]