Discover how to extract data from a CSV file to analyze it and turn it into threat intelligence or IOCs to hunt for in your environment.
Discover how to create standalone executable programs from your Python scripts that you can use on any Windows operating system using the Python module py2exe.
Learn how to give your threat hunting tools command line arguments that modify their behavior when they are executed.
Learn to use browser automation to automate the threat intelligence process when API access is not available or behind a paywall.
Welcome back to this series on building threat hunting tools! Today how interacting with APIs can help us threat hunt.
Learn about web scraping and to create your own tool to scrape threat intelligence from CISA's weekly vulnerability summary.
Learn how to build your own threat hunting tools with Python in this new series! First, let’s find out why it is important to build your own tools.
Whodunit is a tool that can be used to identify the most likely Advanced Persistent Threat group responsible for an attack. Let's find out how to use it!
Learn how to create a safe and secure malware analysis environment that is tailored towards your analysis needs using the power of virtualization.
Discover the power of virtualization and how to create your own home lab environment for malware analysis, threat hunting, and software development.