Discover the new cyber security notetaking app that integrates with your organization’s tools and is an effective copilot for all your investigations.
Discover how to turn MISP attributes into Indicators of Compromise that you can export as a CSV file and upload to your security solution for detection.
Learn to use the MISP API to make the most of your MISP instance. You will see how to get statistics about your MISP instance, search for attributes and events, and visualize data you've added to your instance.
Learn what a CTI aggregator is, why you need one, and how to create your own for completely for free to make your threat intelligence gathering efficient
Learn how to search and filter MISP events and attributes to find threat intelligence relevant to you.
Learn how to add open-source threat intelligence feeds to your MISP instance so you can begin rapidly populating the threat intelligence platform with the latest data.
Learn how to start using MISP. You will learn about MISP events, how to create them, and how to add context to them using MISP's galaxies and taxonomies
Let’s take a look at Visual Threat Intelligence by Thomas Roccia and discover why it is so popular in the cyber security community in this complete review.
Learn how to install and set up MISP. You will discover the various installation methods available, which is best, and how to configure your MISP instance to begin ingesting threat intelligence.
Discover the premier open-source threat intelligence sharing platform, its key features, and how you can use it to elevate your security posture!
Being a cyber threat intelligence analyst is a difficult job. Here are the top 5 mistakes I made when I first started that you can learn from and avoid.
Begin understanding how attackers think by performing threat profiling to map out how they might attack your organization using the MITRE ATT&CK matrix.
Discover what a typical workday looks like for a senior cyber threat intelligence analyst, the daily tasks I perform, and what you can expect in this role.
Ever wondered what KFC and threat intelligence have in common? Discover how relevance, timeliness, and actionability relate good threat intelligence.
Find out 5 reasons why a threat intelligence platform will improve your business and help your security operations tackle the latest emerging threats.